Welcome back to our website for more personalised stationery designed for you
Welcome back to our website for more personalised stationery designed for you
Heritage Stationery was founded by a remarkable lady, Zoe Ottway. The company was based in Weston Patrick, and I joined the team in 2013 when it was in full swing and I immediately felt right a home.
Fast forward several years and Heritage Stationery has moved on and travelled down the road into my home, with my family in Odiham. I am forever grateful to be given the opportunity to adopt Heritage as my own, to look after all of our repeat customers and welcome the new.
So, a little about me and my family! My name is Amanda Clemett, Wife to Huw and Mum of two, to Oscar and Arthur.
I completed an Arts foundation year at Colchester Institute and realised that my creative hobbies could indeed turn into a career. I decided to study a BA in Graphic Art & Design, and skipped off to the metropolis of Leeds.
Balancing work with home life including two young children and a husband in the RAF is a challenging endeavour. However, with a little determination, cooperative pre-schoolers and night owl antics, I have found a sweet spot in work life balance.
I am currently re-building the website to include some well-loved designs which are family favourites and timeless, but also to include some fresh, new, innovative designs to catch the eye.
I would also like to encourage bespoke orders, so please just ask.